“What I’ve learnt in this workshop will change my life.”

“Karis and Lisa held a beautiful space with skill and humility. They combined soft kindness and acceptance with a laser sharp commitment to personal boundaries. Thanks so much to both of you, it was so much fun. I learnt a lot that it very applicable to real life relationships and situations.”

“The workshop facilitators led the group with professionalism and compassion. Their honesty and their embodiment of Somatic Consent was inspirational. Not only were they able to convey the concepts and depths of Somatic Consent, they very clearly were living it out. It was incredibly beneficial to see this approach in action in “every-day” situations as well as in the workshop.”

“I had such a nourishing week on this workshop being held by the beautiful location and community whilst exploring quite deeply the meaning of giving and receiving touch whilst being guided into connecting to my self and making and expressing genuine choices. I found it a very rich exploration and it felt like I could be safe to go deep and take risks. I also loved the combination of workshop in the morning and beach time with the community in the afternoon. Highly recommended!”

“The workshop was a warm, safe and inclusive space which supported and encouraged participants to open to curiosity and exploration.”

“The work has helped myself and my partner to explore what gives us pleasure and to open to greater intimacy with each other. I have also found the teachings beneficial in non-intimate settings i.e. I’m far more able to witness and acknowledge when something feels like a ‘no’ to me when previously I would have over-ridden or invalidated my feelings.”

“I have found this work invaluable. It has helped me realise how hard I find it to say “no” and, furthermore, to even know what it is I want. However, thanks to Lisa and her embodiment of the teachings of Somatic Consent, I have a new direction with which I can develop and lead a more satisfying and peaceful life.”