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Connection, Consent and Choice

We all need touch and connection. But how do you go about getting these needs met? In this workshop you will learn a simple but profound tool for negotiating connection with others, based on consent.

This workshop will help you connect to your authentic self — all of you.

When you are in touch with yourself and your feelings in an embodied way, then you can make choices. You can re-wire old patterns and conditioned ways of relating, and experience deeper connection with yourself, others and the world around you.

The tools that you will learn and embody during this week in Greece will bring more integrity, self-responsibility, confidence and freedom into all of your relating.

In this week-long journey, you will:

✦ Activate your somatic inflow, regulate your nervous system and awaken sensations in your skin

✦ Discover the simplicity and power of noticing your experience in the present moment

✦ Expand your ability be present with and communicate vulnerable feelings

✦ Dramatically improve the quality of your touch

✦ Have an embodied experience of giving and receiving and the difference between the two

✦ Explore the four ways of interacting via touch (based on ‘who is doing the action’ and ‘who it is for’) and the joys of each

✦ Learn how to create clear and impeccable agreements with others

✦ Connect to your desires and get confident in asking for what you want

✦ Learn the power and importance of “no” — notice and communicate your boundaries

✦ Understand shadow behaviour operating outside of consent and let go of old survival strategies such as people-pleasing, victimhood, and expectations

✦ Make empowered choices with awareness and self-responsibility

✦ Expand your capacity for pleasure and joy

This workshop is experiential and we will explore through conscious touch, meditation, movement, breathwork and sharing. You will have the opportunity to take part in touch practices that you can do alone, and with others. You do not have to touch or be touched by anyone else — everything is a choice.

While we will explore consent through the medium of touch, the awareness and communication skills you’ll gain in this workshop can be applied in all areas of life. The workshop is for anyone interested in improving the quality of their connections — whether with intimate partners, friends, family or colleagues. Absolutely no experience is necessary.

The workshop is based on Somatic Consent, an engagement system that guides you to engage with yourself and others on a richer, deeper level. It brings you into connection with your feelings and the sensations derived from your sense of touch in a transformative way. For more information visit Somatic Consent.



❛ What I’ve learnt in this workshop will change my life. ❜

❛ Karis and Lisa held a beautiful space with skill and humility. They combined soft kindness and acceptance with a laser sharp commitment to personal boundaries. Thanks so much to both of you, it was so much fun. I learnt a lot that it very applicable to real life relationships and situations. ❜

❛ The workshop facilitators led the group with professionalism and compassion. Their honesty and their embodiment of Somatic Consent was inspirational. Not only were they able to convey the concepts and depths of Somatic Consent, they very clearly were living it out. It was incredibly beneficial to see this approach in action in “every-day” situations as well as in the workshop. ❜

❛ I had such a nourishing week on this workshop being held by the beautiful location and community whilst exploring quite deeply the meaning of giving and receiving touch whilst being guided into connecting to my self and making and expressing genuine choices. I found it a very rich exploration and it felt like I could be safe to go deep and take risks. I also loved the combination of workshop in the morning and beach time with the community in the afternoon. Highly recommended! ❜

❛ I really loved the workshop with Karis and Lisa. The pacing and facilitation was excellent and I learnt a great deal about myself and how I interact with others. We learnt some fundamental skills for life and had fun at the same time! The location was perfect and having time in the afternoons to explore the Greek coastline was fantastic. ❜

❛ The workshop was a warm, safe and inclusive space which supported and encouraged participants to open to curiosity and exploration. ❜

❛ The work has helped myself and my partner to explore what gives us pleasure and to open to greater intimacy with each other. I have also found the teachings beneficial in non-intimate settings i.e. I’m far more able to witness and acknowledge when something feels like a ‘no’ to me when previously I would have over-ridden or invalidated my feelings. ❜

❛ I have found this work invaluable. It has helped me realise how hard I find it to say “no” and, furthermore, to even know what it is I want. However, thanks to Lisa and her embodiment of the teachings of Somatic Consent, I have a new direction with which I can develop and lead a more satisfying and peaceful life. ❜


This is a part-workshop, part-holiday, part-community experience at Kalikalos community, located in the natural paradise of Greece’s Pelion Peninsula.

‘Simplicity in nature,’ the Kalikalos centre is nestled in a wild chestnut forest surrounded by magnificent nature and just a short drive from beaches with crystal turquoise waters.
With the mountains, sea and lush green landscape around us, nature will support us in dropping more deeply into connection with ourselves.

When we awaken our senses, we awaken our capacity to feel and experience sensuality and life.

The mornings will be dedicated to the workshop process while the afternoons will be spent on the beaches basking in the sun, swimming in the Aegean Sea, visiting nearby waterfalls, or simply relaxing in a hammock and enjoying the natural beauty of the surrounds. It’s a really fantastic location to unwind and be nourished by both nature and community connection.

As part of the community immersion, we will join in a community circle on the first morning and complete the week by gathering with the community for a fire-side sharing circle on the last evening. We’ll take part in community activities such as helping with meals and we’ll share delicious home-cooked vegetarian meals together under the grapevine cover of the outdoor dining area.



The week will start with dinner on Saturday the 31st of August (arrivals from 14.30) and end with breakfast on Saturday the 7th of September.


Kalikalos is located near Anilio village in the Pelion region, on the east coast of mainland Greece.

You can fly to Volos (VOL), Thessaloniki (SKG), Athens (ATH) or Skiathos island (JSI). Contact us for advice on the best way to travel from where you are.
For information on how to get to Kalikalos.

❯❯❯ COST

Shared room (3-4 people): €600 (approx £515)
Private tent (with mattress and bedding): €600 (approx £515)
Twin room: €685 (approx £590)
Single room: €770 (approx £660)
There is a 10% earlybird discount if you book before 1st July.
The cost includes: the workshop, accommodation for seven nights, vegetarian meals and transport to and from the local beaches.
The cost does not include: travel to and from Kalikalos, one evening meal where we will eat out at a local Taverna.


To register click here. This will take you to the venues website.


I am a Somatic Consent Empowerment Facilitator, ConsentLab Facilitator, Tantric Journey Educator, Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner, Certified TRE Provider and Clarity Breathwork Facilitator. But more importantly I am a truth seeker and committed to my own path of continuous growth. I have had ‘healing’ experiences that were traumatising rather than healing and know the power of being able to create safety in the body and from that place make conscious choices. Somatic Consent changed all my relationships, in particular the one I have with herself. I love the continuous journey that life presents and feel so grateful to be able to share my teachings and experiences with others. You can read more about me here or in my blogs.

Karis is passionate about creating supportive spaces for people to connect deeper with themselves and with others, whether through touch, movement, breath or words. She has trained with intimacy teacher Jan Day ( and consent teacher Matthias Schwenteck ( Her offerings are inspired by a range of embodiment and communication practices, including tantra, yoga, Radical Honesty, mindfulness and consent.

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