
When I contacted Lisa I was a wee bit hesitant at first but soon realised that Lisa’s sensitivity, wisdom, knowledge and humour allowed me to take the first steps of tantric healing and have never looked back. In her lovely wee cottage I felt totally safe in her space and trusted her with ease. When […]


Having had some prior experience of tantric healing, I wasn’t completely unaware of what to ‘anticipate’ and so didn’t feel I was particularly apprehensive. Even so, any apprehension was soon put at ease. I guess everyone is different but what I hadn’t anticipated is the individuality that Lisa brings to the sessions. I find her […]

Lisa’s expertise lies beyond her warm welcome and ability to make her clients feel safe and comfortable, spoken to in other testimonials. It also lies beyond her open heart, her integrity and her honesty about her own process. Lisa has that rare quality, even amoungst therapists, to honour your suffering, as she does mine, to […]


The loving nurturing care that I received from Lisa during the session was in itself phenomenally healing. I felt that I was held in the safest of spaces and trusted Lisa implicitly. This allowed me to sink into a complete surrender state which I believe was a necessary prerequisite for my experience. I felt a […]


I have never meet or spent time with an “angel” like you! With you “time stood still”, I felt no anxiety, stress or even come to mention it hunger! Thank you for helping me to understand myself and allowing me the opportunity to get to know you. You are a special “orchid” exotic, colourful, needs […]


I have had an interest in Tantra for quite some time; however, I had yet to have an opportunity to experience this type of bodywork for myself. What was usually on offer didn’t quite feel like what I was looking for, I felt I wanted connection, relaxation, healing and often it just looked like a […]


I’ve had some time to process our session and the experience I had with you, and while I search for answers in my head to make sense of things I felt with you and the connection we had together, I keep coming back around to the same conclusion and one word keeps surfacing… magical. The […]


Dearest Lisa Where do i start?! I am so grateful for everything I have learnt from you. Starting with coming to your session, and then the continuing help you gave me in the workshops you made afterwards. You are a real example of how to heal and let go. You started me on a journey […]


After decades of strugling with fear of intimate touch I found Lisa and through her honest, gentle, non judgemental loving help I have progressed far further than the doctors, psychoanalysts and so called experts have been able to take me. Although the intimacy issue was my only agenda, Lisa has taken my mind, body and […]


I originally met Lisa through chance. After two years of a downward spiral, I had hit rock bottom. It seemed like an endless chain of trauma and rejection. I felt completely lost. Numb in all senses of the word, completely disconnected from myself, my relationships and the universe around me. Truly at a loss for […]