A friend shared with me recently that she had only just realised that everyone else was a member of this club and not just her and a few selected. If you are reading this and don’t know that ALL of us don’t feel enough please know that we do!! Unfortunately we hide it from each other. We feel ashamed to feel like this. This is due to a very deep rooted belief we all have that there is something wrong with us. Our ego has the role of protecting and proving our beliefs. 


The deeper I go on my own journey the more I discover about my true self. I am so grateful for all my relationships that really support me on my personal journey. 

At a young age I was taught how to keep the peace. How to keep everyone happy and override my own needs and boundaries. Sorry mum I imagine you won’t like reading this, but its true and its okay. I understand that your dad was an alcoholic and you had to learn how the keep the peace in your household


I have written about this before but am being called in this direction again. So let’s go a little deeper into what it actually means for me and maybe you too.

I will admit it, I don’t always practise what I preach. I am definitely moving in the right direction of expanding, relaxing and opening, I can reach an orgasmic state just through breathing and not touching myself at all, but I often feel myself drawn back to those few seconds of complete pleasure and explosion.

My body is telling me that the deeper I go into the state of opening and relaxing the more connected I can become with myself and the deeper I can enter myself. I know that by slowing down I am increasing sensitivity and vitality. I know that it creates and restores love in every area of my life.


This is a huge one for me. It goes very deep and into all sorts of emotions. I imagine it’s a taboo subject. One I feel a lot of shame around which is why I am writing this blog. Shame breeds in secrecy so I want to put it out there!

I imagine this wound was triggered in me in this life when I was 2 1/2. My brother was born and I went from being a single child to “loosing” my mother in many ways. My brother was very ill which effected my mothers health too and physically she was not there for me. She also suffers from self rejection so it is much easier for her to love my brother who is a boy. Being female meant that she had to reject me too. My dad was and still is emotionally disabled and I imagine that I didn’t feel safe around him. 


I would like to dedicate this blog to Jonathan. Thank you holding me, supporting me, nurturing me, triggering me, serving me and much more. Thank you for making me feel safe to be authentic, to surrender and to receive. 

Many guys tell me that they are sexual givers. They love to taste and touch women, to make them ecstatic with pleasure and watching them orgasm is the absolute ultimate. Their pleasure is in the satisfaction of the women’s pleasure.


I have a client who I imagine to be a pleasure seeker, to be honest many come to me seeking pleasure. He likes fast cars, beautiful women and expensive watches, I call him Mr Bond. Before meeting me he had explored with a few different Tantricas, but they were not giving him what he was looking for, not in that moment anyway. Mr Bond and I have experienced many different types of pleasure, not 2 sessions are the same. He has also assisted me in some deep healing and de armouring which has been painful for me. I am really beginning to love and appreciate pain and the word pleasure is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth and irritation in my yoni. Let me explain why.


The deeper I go on my own journey the more I am learning about myself. I am very grateful to all my teachers (both those who show me what I do need and those who show me what I definitely don’t need) friends (especially that one in particular, you know who you are) and clients who are supporting me on this journey. 

I am becoming more and more sensitive to everything, which I see as a good thing as we have become very desensitised. I take slow and gentle to a level that most people find really hard to understand but I just can’t do fast and furious any more, it doesn’t resonate with my body. It is actually painful for me.


Do you feel tired? Are you suffering from some form of erectile dysfunction? Most of you guys are in a constant state of depletion because you ejaculate too often and eventually it catches up with you. The older you are the longer it takes your body to replenish itself. Under 35 it takes approximately 3 days to recover, if you are over 35 approximately 8 days!  Most men ejaculate much more than that, so it makes sense that once you reach your 40’s and 50’s it is likely that you will be suffering with some form of erectile dysfunction. According to Ancient Taoists the most common reason for erectile dysfunction is excessive ejaculation. The main cure is creating more sexual energy without ejaculation.


Now I know this is a huge generalisation, and in honesty it is actually what I want. However I represent the feminine and  imagine many women deep down feel like this even if they might not even be aware of it (I wasn’t for most of my life). I also want you guys to know that I am not blaming you just trying to shed light on areas we can all work on to make us all happier and more connected. 

So let’s start with connection. Until I started exploring Tantra I didn’t have a clue what connection really meant. I was disconnected to myself and others. When we truly connect we let our guards down, we become vulnerable, we are seen for who we really are


Did you know that when you awaken, reignite and enhance the relationship with your yoni, you do the same thing in your sexual relationship – with both yourself and your partner (if you have one) ?

Your sexual relationship awakens and goes to a deeper level. That’s what we all want deep down. To have that juicy, heart-opening, mind-blowing relationship with ourselves and our partner that feels deeply fulfilling, sexually satisfying and like it only gets better day by day. It starts with your yoni.

Let’s go right to the source. It’s the most rewarding, deep and pleasurable journey.

It might seem scary, nerve-wracking or like a waste of time, but a woman who awakens her yoni, awakens her life. She awakens the sexual energy that lies dormant in between her legs and her hips